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09:30 - 12:30 CET

09:30 - 09:40

Opening address

Anthony Attia

Vice President, FESE; Global Head of Primary Markets and Post Trade, Euronext


Anthony Attia is Global Head of Primary Markets and Post Trade. In this capacity, he oversees Euronext’s Equity, Debt and Fund listing franchise and the Corporate Services business, as well as Clearing, Custody and Settlement activities at Group level. This includes direct responsibility for Euronext Securities regrouping four European CSDs and Euronext Clearing, the Italian Clearing House. Prior to that, Mr Attia also served as Chairman and CEO of Euronext Paris from 2014 to 2021.

In 2016, he was appointed Global Head of Listing, in charge of IPOs as well as the development of business with Euronext listed companies across Europe. Key successful initiatives include the launch of a European Tech Leaders initiative focusing on technology companies and the creation of a Corporate Services business. In addition, he has led the successful development of Euronext’s Optiq® trading platform from 2017 to 2019. From 2009 to 2013, based in New York, he served as Senior Vice-President and Chief of Staff at NYSE Euronext. Areas of responsibilities included strategy, technology and integration. In 2004, he was appointed as Executive Director, Head of Operations for Euronext. At the creation of Euronext in 2000, he was the Program Director for the integration of the French, Belgian and Dutch exchanges. Mr Attia began his career in the Paris stock Exchange in 1997.

Mr Attia is a member of the Board of Euronext Dublin and serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Elite Spa and Liquidshare SA. He is also the Vice-President of FESE, the Federation of European Securities Exchanges. He also served on the Boards of Euroclear Holding and LCH SA.

In 2020, he was recognised by Business Insider as one of 100 people transforming business, driving change and innovation in their companies and across industries. He holds an Engineering degree in computer science, applied mathematics and finance.

09:40 - 10:00

Keynote speech

Verena Ross

Chair, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)


Verena Ross is the Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). She took up the role on 1 November 2021 and is responsible for representing the Authority as well as preparing the work of and chairing its ESMA’s Board of Supervisors and chairing the Management Board.

Between 2011 and 2021 Verena Ross served as ESMA’s first Executive Director, when she was in charge of responsible for building up the organisation up and overseeing its day to day running of.

Prior to this, Verena held a number of senior posts in the UK's Financial Services Authority (FSA) and was a member of the FSA's Executive Committee. Verena joined the FSA in 1998 to run the Executive Chairman’s office during the regulator’s start-up phase and was briefly a seconded advisor to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission in 2000. She held various positions in the FSA’s Markets Division and was Director of Strategy & Risk Division before finally becoming Director of the International Division.

Verena is a German national. Following studies in Sinology and Economics in Hamburg, Taipei and London (SOAS) she began her career at the Bank of England in 1994, where she worked as an economist and banking supervisor.

10:00 - 11:00

Panel | MiFIR review - visualising an improved market structure

An efficient and transparent market structure is a prerequisite for a successful Capital Markets Union. The EU needs capital markets that fund the economy in the most inclusive and fair way for all investors, with the delivery of a robust and efficient price formation process – from which economy and society alike draw enormous benefit – central to this objective. Does the Commission’s MiFIR review proposal match the moment and articulate a vision capable of redressing the imbalances of Europe’s market structure?

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Thomas Book

Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse


Thomas Book is a member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse AG, responsible for Trading & Clearing.

A pioneer in electronic trading, he joined Deutsche Börse Group in 1995 as a member of the team that rolled out Deutsche Terminbörse’s remote membership concept across Europe and the US, gaining deep insights into the impact of innovation and technology in the exchange industry.

Book was also a member of the project team that built Eurex, the first cross-border exchange merger of its kind. In 2001, he rounded off his profound industry knowledge with his Ph. D. thesis Electronic Exchange Trading and Global Markets”. As a member of the Executive Board of Eurex and Eurex Clearing, Book subsequently shaped Deutsche Börse’s trading and clearing business for many years. From 2007 to 2016, he was responsible for the clearing business of Eurex, expanding the value proposition following the 2008 financial crisis. In 2016, he took responsibility for trading at Eurex as its CEO, before being appointed to the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse in 2018. He is responsible for the Trading & Clearing division, which includes Cash Market, Financial Derivatives, Foreign Exchange, Commodities and Market Data.

Florian Denis

Member of Cabinet, Commissioner Mairead McGuinness


Florian Denis is Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner McGuinness at the European Commission. He advises the Commissioner on financial markets, Capital Markets Union and digital finance.

He was previously policy officer on Digital Finance (2019-2020) and Capital Markets union (2015-2018) at the European Commission (DG FISMA). He also worked at the French Financial Markets Regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers), as head of the issuer policy division (2018-19) and as a senior investigator in the Inspection Directorate (2011-2015). Between 2008 and 2011, he was a lawyer in a business law firm in Paris, Gide Loyrette Nouel.

He holds degrees from Sciences-Po Paris (2004) and HEC Paris School of Management (2006). He was admitted to the Paris Bar in 2008 and is a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA, 2014).

Danuta Hübner

Member of the European Parliament, ECON Committee


Danuta Hübner has been the first Polish EU Commissioner, first for Trade and subsequently for Regional Policy. She is a Professor of Economics, and has been a Member of the European Parliament since 2009. Currently, she works in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs – for which she was recently appointed as the Rapporteur on the review of the regulatory framework for investment firms and market operators (MiFID II and MiFIR) - as well as in the Committee for International Trade and in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

She also participates in a number of Delegations, namely: the Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee, the Delegation for Relations with the US, the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly and the Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly.

Before joining the European Parliament, she was the chief negotiator for Poland's membership of the OECD, and Executive Secretary of the European Economic Commission with the rank of Deputy Secretary General at the United Nations. In Poland she lead the Office of the Committee for European Integration and held the role of Minister of European Affairs, overseeing the process of Poland's accession to the European Union.

Robert Ophèle

Chair, Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)


Having graduated from the ESSEC business school, Robert Ophèle joined the Banque de France in 1981 where he spent more than three decades of his professional career across roles in banking supervision, in developing and implementing monetary policy and in financial management of the bank. Following a secondment to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, he took up the position of Director of the Management Control and Budget Directorate, then was appointed Deputy Director General Economics and International Relations, before being promoted to Director General Operations. He held the position of Second Deputy Governor of the Banque de France from January 2012 until July 2017; in this role he became a member of the Supervisory Board for the European Central Bank.

On 1st August 2017, he was appointed Chairman of the Autorité des marchés financiers.


Rainer Riess

Director General, FESE


Rainer Riess is Director General of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) and an independent advisor to exchanges and financial services companies with more than 30 years of experience in the global exchange industry. He is also Vice Chair of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG) which provides ESMA with opinions and advice on its policy work.

For many years, he served as Vice Chairman of the Board of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and was responsible for the cash market business of Deutsche Börse AG. During his career at Deutsche Börse, he created and managed markets, drove changes in European corporate governance and accounting practice, financial market regulation and supervision of market player. Major initiatives include running the cash market in a competitive MiFiD environment and financial market crises, the creation of DTB Deutsche Terminbörse / Eurex, developing European primary markets (Neuer Markt, indices, corporate governance and regulation), the launch of the Xetra electronic trading system and the CCP as well as the creation of the European ETF and structured products markets.

He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the English Theatre Frankfurt and several charitable organisations. He holds a Master in Economics from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and an MBA from the University of Miami (Fulbright Scholar).

11:00 - 12:00

Panel | Fit for purpose? Dissecting the consolidated tape proposal

The creation of a Consolidated Tape lies at the heart of the MiFIR review proposal. With it come many risks and complexities, however, as well as debate around its potential efficacy in delivering the transparency currently lacking in Europe’s markets. Has the Commission rightly identified the problem and the path forward? What approach should be taken to implementation? What should be the priorities in terms of implementation and feasibility of the project?

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Nicholas Bean

CEO, Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V.


Nicholas Bean has been the Head of Electronic Trading Solutions at Bloomberg since February 2018. He is responsible for the strategy and operations of Bloomberg's trading platforms, trading connectivity services and related technologies for Fixed Income, Foreign Exchange and Listed products. The solutions he oversees includes Bloomberg’s SEF, two MTFs, Singaporean RMO, FXGO platform, Execution Management Systems (EMSX, FXEM and TSOX), Order Routing Network (FixNet), and Trade Automation & Analytics solutions (including transaction cost analysis).

He is also CEO of Bloomberg’s regulated trading entities in Europe - including Bloomberg Trading Facility B.V. - Bloomberg’s MTF located in Amsterdam.

He joined Bloomberg in 2014 as Head of the Fixed Income electronic trading product. Prior to that, Bean spent 17 years at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, where he worked across the firm's fixed income electronic trading business.

Eero Heinäluoma

Member of the European Parliament, ECON Committee


Eero Heinäluoma is Member of the European Parliament representing Finland and the S&D Group. He is a former minister of finance and now in the Parliament he is working in the committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, committee on budgets and subcommittee on Tax Matters. Besides economic subjects, he is also focused on security and defence issues.

Currently, Heinäluoma is Parliament’s rapporteur on the EU 'single rulebook' on AML/CFT legislation.

Sébastien Raspiller

Head of Financial Services Directorate, French Treasury


Sébastien Raspiller was previously head of the Insurance Markets and Products Unit (2009-2012) and of the Corporate Financing Unit at the Directorate-General of the Treasury (2012-2013), where he also served as General Secretary of the Interministerial Committee for Industrial Restructuring. He was appointed deputy assistant secretary in 2013 (until 2018), in charge of Financial Markets and Corporate Financing.

He graduated in 1997 from the Ecole Polytechnique.

Bjørn Sibbern

Executive Vice President and President - European Market Services, Nasdaq


Bjørn Sibbern is President, European Market Services. In this role, he works closely across all of Nasdaq’s European Markets teams to deepen the relationships between Nasdaq and institutional and main street investors, broker dealers and regulators in the region.

Prior to his current role as President, European Market Services, he was Executive Vice President for Global Information Services (GIS), based in New York City. He has also previously led Nasdaq’s Global Commodities business, while also serving as President of the Nasdaq Copenhagen Exchange. In an earlier role, Bjørn managed the company’s Nordic Cash Equities and Derivatives Markets. Bjørn’s proven track record in business-building and his ability to foster and grow valuable client relationships positions Nasdaq to further evolve its European business through best-in-class industry partnership and collaboration, product development, and geographic expansion to deliver greater value for all clients.

Before joining the company, Sibbern was Head of Trading at Stocknet Norway and CEO at E*TRADE Bank Denmark. While President of the Nasdaq Copenhagen exchange, Sibbern also served on the board of the Committee for Corporate Governance under the Danish Ministry of Economic and Business Affairs.

Sibbern holds an Executive MBA, a Diploma in Business Administration and an MSc in Economics & Business Administration and Law from Copenhagen Business School.


Rosa Armesto

Deputy Director General, FESE


Rosa Armesto is Deputy Director General of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE). She is responsible for coordinating all regulatory policy campaigns and strengthening FESE’s positioning on the key issues and priorities for exchanges in Europe.

Rosa has more than 15 years of professional experience in EU affairs for the financial sector. In her earlier career, she was Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs at FESE and held a number of different responsibilities, including the Economics and Statistics Committee.

Prior to re-joining FESE, she spent 4 years as a Member of the Management Team and Head of Public Affairs and Communications of Insurance Europe, in charge of interest representation for the European insurance sector. She has worked in Brussels since 2007, coming from Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Commission) in Luxembourg.

Rosa is a Spanish national and holds a Master’s degree in Economics (major in Econometrics) from the University of Zaragoza (ES) & University of Groningen (NL), a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from the University of Zaragoza (ES), and a professional degree in piano from Teruel Conservatory (ES). She speaks English, French and Spanish.

12:00 - 12:20

Keynote speech

Zbyněk Stanjura

Finance Minister, Czech Republic


Zbyněk Stanjura has been Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic since December 2021. Born in Opava, he studied at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication of Brno University of Technology, where he graduated in electronics and computing.

After the velvet revolution, Stanjura founded a company with several classmates in which he worked as a programmer and director for 11 years.

His interest in his hometown led him into Opava municipal politics, where he was a deputy for 17 years. During this time he led the ODS into municipal elections on four occasions, winning on three, and served as mayor of Opava for eight years. Stanjura has also been elected to the Moravian-Silesian Regional Council three times, serving for a total of 11 years including eight as a councillor and ten as chair of the ODS regional party.

He has since applied this experience in the Chamber of Deputies, to which he was first elected in 2010 (and since in 2013, 2017 and 2021). After a year, he became the chair of the ODS party in parliament before, from December 2012 to August 2013, serving as Minister of Transport.

Since November 2013, Stanjura has been the chair of the ODS party in parliament, and in January 2020, he was elected First Vice-Chairman of the ODS.

12:20 - 12:30

Closing remarks

Rainer Riess

Director General, FESE


Rainer Riess is Director General of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) and an independent advisor to exchanges and financial services companies with more than 30 years of experience in the global exchange industry. He is also Vice Chair of the Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG) which provides ESMA with opinions and advice on its policy work.

For many years, he served as Vice Chairman of the Board of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and was responsible for the cash market business of Deutsche Börse AG. During his career at Deutsche Börse, he created and managed markets, drove changes in European corporate governance and accounting practice, financial market regulation and supervision of market player. Major initiatives include running the cash market in a competitive MiFiD environment and financial market crises, the creation of DTB Deutsche Terminbörse / Eurex, developing European primary markets (Neuer Markt, indices, corporate governance and regulation), the launch of the Xetra electronic trading system and the CCP as well as the creation of the European ETF and structured products markets.

He is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the English Theatre Frankfurt and several charitable organisations. He holds a Master in Economics from Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and an MBA from the University of Miami (Fulbright Scholar).